Other activities

July 2005
Translating a promotion text for the german RoboCup team Hamburger Dog Bots.
*English/ Japanese Translation.

April 2004
Interpreter for the software company Cybozu Inc.
*Japanese-German interpreter on the topics groupware and IT strategy.

June 2003 - July 2003
Translating an in-basket for the charitable foundation Bertelsmann Stiftung.
*German/ Japanese translation concerning company's management policies.

October 2002
Interpreter for the Hokkaidô Prefectural Livestock Hygiene Service Center of the Hokkaidô government and the
Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture of Germany.
*Japanese-German interpreter regarding epizootics and measures in Germany
 and EU after BSE and FMD crisis.

June 2002
Invited to lecture on the topic Translating in the entertainment business at Kansai University.

since October 1996
Several translation activities for Sunrise Japan Inc., S.A.N. Ltd., Cosmedico Light Inc. and  JETRO.